Do You Need Working at Height Training? See our courses

Here at Element Safety Ltd we offer a range of working at height training to suit your needs. With various options available such as having your working at height training at our training center in Sheffield or us coming to you.

What is Working at Height?

The boring longer legal definition is at the bottom of the page.

First, we have a simple question to help you identify if you are ‘working at height’ and if you, or your team, require training.

Is work being undertaken in any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury?

Training can be from awareness and management in order to avoid working at height; skills, equipment and discipline to reduce the risk, likelihood or harm; and must include ensuring others around you are safe too!

If you’re interested in any of our courses, then please get in touch.

Some examples of work at height are

  • working on a ladder or a flat roof;
  • where you could fall through a fragile surface;
  • where you could fall into an opening in a floor or a hole in the ground

If you have answered ‘YES’ to this question, you are working at height, and you and your team require Work at Height Training.

Even if you may not be harmed, we must consider those around us.

We provide a number of different level height courses which are split into a number of categories:


Work At Height flow chart

Unsure which level of height?

This easy guide will help you.

Download here
Working at Height Flowchart Thumbnail

On The Ground

You are not going near an edge, you can’t fall and hurt yourself…

And you can’t drop anything on anyone else, then you are NOT working at height.

But you need to know what a work at height is so you can manage or avoid it!

Working at height training
Work At Height And Harness Awareness

What is working at height and how to avoid it?

Working at Height Manager Training
Work At Height Manager

The team need to work at height, do you know how to look after them?

For more information on any of our On The Ground courses, please get in touch.

At Height

You know what work at height is, but… there is no option, you need to work at height to do your task.

Safe Work at Height Training
Safe Work At Height

Learn how to access, work and stay safe whilst at height.

Height Training Ladders and Stepladders
Ladders & stepladders

Probably the most dangerous (most injuries) – more guidance has been written by HSE and others than any other height subject!

Working on Slopes
embankments - working on / Recovery from slopes

Initially designed for de-vegetation teams working near infrastructure. An easy package for non-rope people to work safely – and have a built in rescue system!

For more information on any of our At Height courses, please get in touch.


The space has some issues and relies on freedom of movement at height. There is a good chance that if things go wrong, a rescue team will be needed to help!

Rescue from Height Training
Rescue From Height

Assisting an incident, accessing, stabilising and setting up systems to transport casualties to safety.

Rescue from Height Training
Rescue From Height (Custom Made)

Where a more tailored solution is required from hop-ups to cranes, slipforms to complex ladders.

For more information on any of our Rescue courses, please get in touch.

Is work being undertaken in any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury?

If you answered ‘NO’ to the question, you may still need to adopt some good practices when working in your space.

Despite your answer – you need to ask the “what if…?” question(s).

If the team need immediate help, you may need to plan, train and equip your personnel to rescue their colleagues in an emergency.

Element Safety can provide everything you need to comply with the regulations and keep you, and your team, safe.

Work at Height Definition [The boring bit]

Work at height means work in any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 state:

“You must carry out a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk for all work activities for the purpose of deciding what measures are necessary for safety”.

Whether you work on scaffolding, tower cranes, embankments, buildings, ladders … your safety and that of those around you is of paramount importance.

The team at Element Safety are here to support you with your height training needs. Please feel free to get in touch with us if you would like to discuss your requirements or follow the links on the attached pages to allow us to get in touch with you.


Advice, assistance with clarifying your height and rescue options, tips and support.



Need confined space training, 1st Aid or Manual handling training to support your team?


further resources

Further Resources, Blogs & Videos

Just extras which may help!


Working at Height Equipment

In addition to the training, you need the right access and rescue equipment.

We sell individual items, kits as well as build bespoke packs


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    Confined Space TrainingHeight TrainingEquipment/Support